PES 2012 Editor v1.2 by w!Ld@

Un año más w!ld@ nos trae esta herramienta con la que podemos editar el Option File, permite realizar traspasos, cambiar nombres de equipos, modificar stats … etc.
La última versión trae las siguientes novedades:
PES 2012 Editor v1.2 released:
- Added preview of boots to the «Edit player» window (thx davidecit)
- Automatic correction of boots when its index is bigger than count of defined boots in the cfg file ( fix for PES 2011 import )
- Added kit relink and detailed settings
- Improved FM conversion of goalkeepers and fixed weak foot issue
- Added automatic detection of player’s position on the pitch from the FM «Print screen»
- Added support for custom stadium name by team
- Updated configuration files commentary.cfg, fake_teams.cfg, boots.cfg, kits.cfg (thx omar ahmed, nickthejoker, davidecit, luigy7 and krejik)
- Improved function to remove fake players ( fake players were moved out of the national teams and replaced by his duplicate in club(s) )
- Fixed issue while importing player’s positions from PES 2011 CSV ( both side issue )
- Small improvements in GUI