All National Teams 2012 [ANT2012] by Tottimas & Boca

Tottimas y Boca han públicado su parche «All National Teams 2012», como su nombre indica trae todas las selecciones nacionales del mundo entre otras muchas cosas.
- 203 national teams
- 37 teams in Champions League
- Copa Libertadores 2011 (no changes made, just kept it playable)
- Real kits for all teams, new kits for referees
- Over 440 new and improved faces (only for national teams)
- 36 balls to chose from
- 20 new ingame created stadiums (17 real ones + 3 fictional)
- New grass for all stadiums
- Real FIFA World Cup trophy
- Real Copa America trophy
- 3 different scoreboards
- New chants for 60 national teams + improved generic chants for others
- PS3 buttons
- New background videos