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Por Txak
Nueva version con todas estas novedades

Version beta (23/07/2009)
Add Banners Relink Tool 1.00
Add PRO-EVO Audio Player/Converter 1.00
play audio files : .mp3, .adx, .wav, .wma and .aix
convert .mp3/.wav <-> .adx
convert .adx <-> .aix
Add Zlib Editor 1.00 (Compress/Decompress zlib files (.bin))
Add Clubs with ID 226-259 and National teams with ID 260-275 in "Export OF to *.csv" function
Add FM09 to PES09 Converter Stat Pack by Steven McCutcheon (Converts up to 5000 players at one time using Microsoft Excel 2007)
Add Image Viewer 1.00 (support *.BMP;*.CUT;*.DCX;*.DDS;*.ICO;*.GIF;*.JPG;*.LBM;*. LIF;*.MDL;*.PCD;*.PCX;*.PIC;*.PNG;*.PNM;*.PSD;*.PS P;*.RAW;*.SGI;*.TGA;*.TIF;*.WAL;*.ACT;*.PAL;|*.BMP ;*.CUT;*.DCX;*.DDS;*.ICO;*.GIF;*.JPG;*.LBM;*.LIF;* .MDL;*.PCD;*.PCX;*.PIC;*.PNG;*.PNM;*.PSD;*.PSP;*.R AW;*.SGI;*.TGA;*.TIF;*.WAL;*.ACT;*.PAL)
Add option to save OF in which version you want (from 1.00 to 1.40)
Add Master League Editor 1.00 : support name / kits / money
Modify STR Editor 1.10 interface
Modify BAL Editor 1.20 interface and fix bugs
Update FM to PES Converter Tool 1.10 with huge Database 9.0.3 (over 250 000 players - support prefered moves too !) and fix some bugs
Improved find duplicates players by choose between name, nationality, age, height, weight or position
Improved search function
case sensitive
search by "contains"
search by "start with"
search by "match exact"
search by enter name directly
Improved Players Tab :
Fixed bug with player nationality (some "error" nationality)
Add skin color in player profil tab
Add support for callname in player profil tab (Allow to assign or not callname)
Add support for growth type in player profil tab (Allow to modify growth type) - Thx to Wild@
Add support for new specials dribbles (tricks) : Cruyff Turn, Roulette Marseillaise (1 and 2), special curling shot, special step-over and chip ball
Add view face and hair corresponding .bin file from cv06.img in kitserver (face_Pavlyuchenko_2027.bin for example) in Face/Accessories/Motion Tab
Add view for corresponding scan face file from save folder (PES2009_FACE001.bin for example) in Face/Accessories/Motion Tab
Add support for player skin color and texture in Face/Accessories/Motion Tab
Add Radar chart (comparison attack-defence-stamina-power-technique-speed)
Add Overall and positions rating
Improve individual stats adjust
Improved Faces and hairs Relink Tool 1.20 :
Add choose to assign "face and hair" or "only face"
Add choose to assign a imported face or hair :
* choose a face .bin in a folder and the tool import it in cv06.img kitserver folder
* and rename it with player name and face slot - face_Pavlyuchenko_2027.bin for example (idem for hair)
Add check linked faces (the tool verify if your faces .bin files in kitserver folder are relinked to a player)
Improved Teams Tab :
Add Banner infos (banner preview, banner slot) in Team Card Tab
Add Banner Relink option
Add Display option in Formation Tab (choose between players names or numbers in formation window)
Improved change players numbers (clic in number textbox - change number - press enter - and the next number is automatically selected)
Add function to verify duplicate players numbers
Add "Fill selected Team with xx free rosters" (Right click on Team list and xx is the number of free players you want want to have !)
Add support for kits (allow you to relink kits in cv06.img or cv0f.img)
Improved Chants Relink Tool 1.10 :
Change listview appearance
Fixed bug chants Relink (pattern chants)
Add chants manager (Allow to import five .adx chants files in your cs0d.img profil folder and rename name and slot of adx)
Improved Transfers Tab :
Improved listviews and compare window (add colors)
Add function to verify duplicate players numbers
Add "Remove player from this team" in listview 1 and 2 context menu (Right clic in listwiew 1 or 2)
Add Drag and Drop function in own listview (Allow to order players)
Add "Save players order as rosters here" (Right clic in listwiew 1)
Improved Global Editing Tab :
Add Function for injury "A=>B", "A=>C","B=>A", "B=>C","C=>B", "C=>A"
Add Players overview table (capacities)
Add Function for assign Boots (with assign boots randomly)
Add Function for assign Nationality
Add Special function for verify errors in Players Shirt Names like DJIUTALEFF or ZIROM)
Add Check for Duplicate players (find players in double like BALLACK and KRUGER)
Add Check for Fake players (find players with wrong names in game)
Improved Import OF2 Tab
Add Import Team Datas manager :
* Choose import all teams, one team or x teams (put teams slots - for example Teams 127 to 144)
* Choose datas to import (name, short name, fans colors, chants, home stadiums, formation, rosters and numbers)
Add Import Players Datas manager :
* Choose import all players, one players or x players (put players ID - for example ??)
* Choose datas to import (all datas, Basics infos, Positions, Accessories, Motion, Spec. Drib., Abilities, Special Abilities, Name, Shirt Name, Special Face and Hair slot, Callname)
Add Import Stadiums Names from OF2
Add Import Leagues/Cups Names from OF2
Improved Import .csv Tab
Add filters by Team and nationality
Add CSV Team import (Team name, numbers, players)
Add support for import .csv file PES6/PES2008/PES2009 generated by wild@ PES Editor or Compulision PS2 PEs Editor
Improved IMG Explorer 1.10
Improve interface
Add right clic function (decompress/export file, open with Zlib Editor/STR file Editor/Audio Player
Fix bug when open very big files
Add AFS Map
Improved Database Manager Tab :
Improved Locked players Tab with automatic unlocked players functions
Improved Teams Manager Tab with automatic function : "Others B in Others A"
Add "Add Players" function (now you can improve the number of players in OF and in game !)
Improved General Graphic Interface
Última edición por Txak el 24 Jul 2009, 11:58, editado 1 vez en total.
Por jagmig
orale esta es la mejor herramienta muchas gracias, dos dudas:

1. Por que al abrirlo me sale este error:


2. El archivo FM09DB donde lo pego??

Gracias de antemano

Edito: Ya resolvi mi problema, lo que pasa es que no tenia el Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, para los que tengan el mismo problema se lo pudeden descargar de aqui:

Microsoft Chart for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
Última edición por jagmig el 24 Jul 2009, 20:36, editado 2 veces en total.
a mi me va perfecto al principio me salia el mismo error antes mencionado pero instale el archivo que viene en la descarga
net frame works,alguien sabe como pasarlo a español
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