Tu comunidad de Pro Evolution Soccer

In this forum you can find all the versions we will release for Patch 2021, our official patch for PES 2021/PC.
Support in Spanish and English.
Reglas del Foro: Before asking a question:
1. Review the Frequent Asked Questions, probably your question is solved there.
2. Search in the thread if your question has already been asked by someone. In most of the cases it is already answered!
3. If your question is still not solved, then please ask a question providing most details as possible: game mode, local/away team, stadium, etc.
Hola muy buenas chicos de Virtuared. Tengo una pregunta acerca de cambiar las caras de algunas de las leyendas. En la versión V2 intenté cambiar la skin de Beckham para poner la versión de la cara de Beckham mayor, pero me dio un problema en las texturas y en el pelo, lo cual al final no funcionó la ejecución. ¿Podrías aconsejarme cómo podría cambiar la cara y el cuerpo de este futbolista? Gracias de antemano y enhorabuena por este trabajazo de mod
Jonny McConny escribió: 22 Jul 2021, 20:44 Por otro lado.Me molesta profundamente preguntar esto que sé q esta contestado. Pero he ido pagina por pagina del foro para ver si encontraba la respuesta pero no la veo. Asike si por un lado me podriais decir como buscar si una pregunta ya está contestada de manera mas rapida q ir pagina por pagina... Y por otro lado la pregunta es... Si juego en 4k el tamaño de letra de los menús sale pequeña. Como se puede hacer que salga de tamaño normal? Gracias de antemano.
Tu has lido las FAQ (1 pagina)?!? / Have you read the FAQ (in the first page)?!
FIX - ... K.rar/file
Hola, enhorabuena por el parche es impresionante. Tengo un par de preguntas, la primera es que cuando pegué el FIX continuamente me saltaban mensajes del tipo " el nombre del archivoes demasiao largo..." o que" el archivo ya no se encuentra en tal ruta...".Omití y finalizé. Tengo que volver a intentarlo?.

Muchas gracias
Joanot10 escribió: 27 Jul 2021, 20:02 Hola, enhorabuena por el parche es impresionante. Tengo un par de preguntas, la primera es que cuando pegué el FIX continuamente me saltaban mensajes del tipo " el nombre del archivoes demasiao largo..." o que" el archivo ya no se encuentra en tal ruta...".Omití y finalizé. Tengo que volver a intentarlo?.

Muchas gracias
Tienes que descomprimir el FIX directamente en la carpeta del juego; no puedes descomprimir en una carpeta temporal y copiar / mover, de lo contrario se producirá este error.
Otra solución es instalar / mover el juego directamente en la raíz de uno de los discos, de modo que la ruta a la carpeta del juego sea más corta (con menos carpetas). Por ejemplo: en lugar de estar en "C:\Usuario\Archivos de programa x86\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Efootball Pes 2021\...", instálelo directamente (mueva) a "C:\Efootball Pes 2021". ¡Eso está resuelto! Quién hace copias de seguridad (backups) a menudo se encuentra con este error en algunos juegos.
FranJavi escribió: 08 Nov 2020, 16:01 FAQ

[Q] When I start a Become A Legend with a created player, the game crashes.
[A] This is a known bug and we are working to fix it as soon as possible.

[Q] I have realised that you have disabled CutScenes.lua from Sider due to some reported "random" bugs. If I have not reproduced any bug, can I keep this module active?
[A] Yes, in that case just open sider.ini with Notepad and remove the ";" before the line ;lua.module = "CutScenes.lua".

[Q] I have found some leyend sin my Master League.
[A] This happens because you are playing a Master League game that was started with a different database than the included in V2 one. If you really want these players to be hidden, just start a new Master League.

[Q] I have v1 installed, do I have to download all the AIO from the current version?
[A] Yes you need. As it's indicated in the instructions, please delete your content and livecpk folders before the installation.

[Q] I'm playing in 4K resolution and I see the game font too small.
[A] Download this fix and should solve you issue. Unzip livecpk/VRED_Menu/common/menu/font and replace the existing files.

[Q] The game gets frozen at the end of the first half.
[A] Please locate the stadium folder folder (inside "content\stadium-server") and delete the timeup folder located at "common\demo\fixdemo".

[Q] The game crashes when after son Cup matches or when the season ends.
[A] This error is very typical when you don't have the original game. Please purchase it!

[Q] The commentator says "Estadio Do Dragao" when the match is being played in another stadium.
[A] Apply this fix which mutes the commentary audio in stadiums with Id 09 when the commentator is talking about Porto's Stadium Do Dragao.

[Q] How can I enable the lockdown mode?
[A] It will remove the crowd and chants during the game. Please follow these steps:
- Open the sider.ini file (located at your eFootball PES 2021 folder) and open it with any text editor.
- Type ";" at the beginning of the line cpk.root = ".\livecpk\VRED_Chants"
- Remove the ";" at the beginning of the lines ;cpk.root = ".\livecpk\VRED_Lockdown_Chants" and ;cpk.root = ".\livecpk\VRED_Lockdown_Crowd"
- Save changes.

[Q] I don't like to have 5 substitutions. How can I change this?
[A] You can go to the modules folder and open matchset.lua with the notepad. Then change the number of substitutions in line 22.

[Q] How can I use Sider?
[A] Just start the game by running Patch 2021 vX direct access or by executing sider.exe. Then, from the game:
- You can show/hide to the Sider menu by pressing the spacebar.
- Navigate between the different Sider modules by pressing key 1.
- Switch between automatic selection and manual selection by pressing key 9.
- Press RePag and AvPag to navigate to the different balls/stadiums/scoreboards...etc.

[Q] Before playing a match, I only see a few kits to choose.
[A] We are using kit server, so the way to select the player kits has changed:
- Press the spacebar to show the Sider menu by pressing the spacebar.
- Navigate to kserv.lua by pressing 1 key.
- Switch between goalkeepers and field players selection mode by pressing key 9.
- Press key 6 to change the kits for the home team.
- Press key 7 to change the kits for the visitor team.

[Q] Sider is not working anymore and I can't see the stadiums/scoreboards/balls/etc.
[A] Please make sure that you start the game by running Patch 2021 vX direct access or by executing sider.exe.

[Q] What are the player IDs?
[A] You can check all the player IDs in the database in this document.

[Q] What are the team IDs?
[A] You can check all the player IDs in the database in this document.

[Q] The scoreboard server and menu server are not working, a random scoreboard and menu are appearing.
[A] Execute sider.exe as administrator and also your PES 2021.exe. It will fix this issue.

[Q] How can I configure Santiago Bernabéu as the home stadium for Real Madrid, instead of Alfredo Di Stéfano?
[A] Please follow these steps:
- Go to the folder eFootball PES 2021/content/stadium-server.
- Open the file map_teams.txt with any text editor.
- Go to the line where Estadio Alfredo Di Stéfano is located and change 109 by 9011.
- Go to the line where Santiago Bernabéu is located and change 9011 by 109.
- Save changes.

[Q] In some stadiums, the stands are displayed overlapping the pitch and I can't see the game and the players.
[A] For a few stadiums you should change the camera in order to see the pitch properly. If you still have problems, you always can delete the stadium folder and the related configuration line in map-teams.txt (within content/stadium.server).

[Q] How can I keep the XBOX buttons?
[A] Open sider.ini (located in your eFootball PES 2021 folder) with any text editor and type ";" at the beginning of the line cpk.root = ".\livecpk\VRED_GamePad".

[Q] When I start the game, an online error message is displayed.
[A] By default we have activated the netblock.lua module, which prevents to get Live Updates from the Exhibition mode, that may cause some errors. If you still want to active it, just open sider.ini file (located in your eFootball PES 2021 folder) and and type ";" at the beginning of the line lua.module = "netblock.lua".

[Q] Some players appear with blue/silver arms.
[A] You should make some configuration in your graphic card. Two possible solutions:
- Please follow this video to fix it.
- You need to make some configuration in your graphic card software. Enable your Anisotropic Filtering and set it to 16x.

[Q] When I move the stadium-server to the content folder I get an error saying that the path is too large.
[A] To aovid this error, you should unzip the folder from WinRar (or any other tool) directly in your content folder.

[Q] Can I import teams from another Option File?
[A] This patch has all the teams licensed in the database, so it's not possible to import new teams to replace the existing ones.

[Q] I can't continue my Master League, the game is closed unexpectedly, what is it happening?
[A] Probably you started the Master League with another patch installed or with the default game, and that can be the problem. We do not recommend to continue with old stored games (started with another patch/mod) once the patch is installed, it's common to find this kind of errors.

[Q] I get an error when extracting the content of the .rar files.
[A] Try to avoid external programs like JDownloader. Please download the files manually using a browser. Also try to download again all the parts, maybe one of them can be corrupted.

[Q] Some leagues and team names are not correct and appear with the default logo and name.
[A] Every time you access to Exhibition mode, you need to disable Live Updates by pressing R3 button. You can avoid to do this every time if you add the line lua.module = "netblock.lua" in your sider.ini file. By default this line is added in the patch.

[Q] Is the patch compatible with Online mode?
[A] Sorry, but we cannot ensure that the patch is 100% compatible with Online. If you want to play Online mode without uninstalling Patch 2021, just run PES 2021 with the original PES2021.exe.

[Q] What should I do if I have another patch installed?
[A] We always recommend to install this patch over an empty and cleaned PES 2021 game.

[Q] When the game is runnig I get an error "This application failed to start because msvcr110.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.".
[A] Download the Visual C++ Redistributable For Visual Studio Update 4 package and run it. This will restore the msvcr110.dll with the most recent copy provided by Microsoft.

[Q] I have extracted all the files but I don't see the file installer (.exe)
[A] Probably your antivirus has blocked this file. Please disable it and try to extract again.

[Q] I can't reach the original download links, I don't know how to skip the OUO platform.
[A] Watch this guide, it will help you!

[Q] The link is down and I can't download a specific part.
[A] Please contact us through the Official Thread of the patch.

cuando instalo el parche dentro de la carpeta donde tengo instalado el juego me crea otra carpeta {eFooball PES 2021} C:\Games\eFootball PES 2021\eFootball PES 2021, y cuando ejecuto el acceso directo el juego no me abre solo me aparece un pestaña pequeña del sider.
#365897 escribió: 29 Jul 2021, 18:08 cuando instalo el parche dentro de la carpeta donde tengo instalado el juego me crea otra carpeta {eFooball PES 2021} C:\Games\eFootball PES 2021\eFootball PES 2021, y cuando ejecuto el acceso directo el juego no me abre solo me aparece un pestaña pequeña del sider.
Que debo hacer.

¡¿En serio?! Hay dudas que parecen mentira ..:!
Simplemente mueve la carpeta "C:\Games\eFootball PES 2021\eFootball PES 2021" para "C:\Games\eFootball PES 2021".
es decir, todo el contenido de la carpeta "C:\Games\eFootball PES 2021\eFootball PES 2021" debe ser movido a "C:\Games\eFootball PES 2021"
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