Tu comunidad de Pro Evolution Soccer

Todo lo relativo a la edición PES 2013 para todas las plataformas.

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We want to share this tool that allows you to change the Master League Money/Become a legend to the max money an gp values.

Donload link:

Here a link to a Videotutorial:

videotutorial to edit Option file, Master League and Bal files
Uploaded by CarlosY2j:

We also added the video to explain how to convert the edit.bin file too because we noticed there are many people asking how to convert it, so heres the tutorial. Hope this helps. Sorry about the colours... Camtasia goes crazy:CONFUSE:

-Extract file MLxx.bin(master league) or BLxx.bin(become a legend) from Xbox (Ftp, Horizon, Xtafgui..... What you preffer)
-Open with Lefluffie the bin file.go to Content tab and over savegame.txt right click->Extract.(file must be named savegame.txt).
-Open savegame.txt with tool, change points, and save.
-a savegame file will created on folder Gp Points Changed,
-With leFluffie go to content tab and right click, Replace savegame.txt with modded one.
-Go to General tab and hit Rebuild.
-Once finished, insert again on Xbox. That´s all.:))


-I have a not modded Xbox, could I use it?
Yes this is for all Xbox.

-Where do i find or download lefliffie?
Here a link:

-DO I NEED to decript for ML o BAL points?

Big thanks to MxSonic because with his tool was so easy found the right Offsets.
And big thanks to Radiocasehead(jahlive) with all the test and help.